
Merry Moos Farm Project CIC not-for-profit

Funding required£5,000
Delivery timeframe6 weeks

The Pitch

Problem statement

It would be focused on helping people in Somerset to improve their mental health well-being social isolation issues we also support social prescription. The project would allow older adults from 60-85 plus the opportunity to come onto a small working farm with a host of outdoor activities that they could get involved in. We would also like to engage with Adults with physical as well as learning difficulties Ex-service personnel giving them the opportunity of getting involved. We would also help Executives and their employees who have been suffering from well-being issues


We are trying to raise money that would go towards the equipment cost to be able to run the project. We will be looking at a variety of activities from gardening creating a wildlife area putting bird boxes up and a number of other outdoor activities, helping with a small number of animals that have been looking for a forever home these would also help with the client's well-being. There is a great need for this type of project as there are not the places to assist the type of clients we would be looking to help.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

I have 34 years of not only working in a farming environment but also have worked with a variety of people. We are hoping to try and provide an environment where clients can come into an outdoor environment and work with nature to assist with their well-being and social isolation needs I'm very passionate about this project and with assistance from volunteers, we can achieve Merry Moos's goals of helping people. Social isolation and loneliness are widespread, with an estimated 1 in 4 older people experiencing social isolation and between 5 and 15 percent of older people experiencing loneliness

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

seeds wheel burrows gloves soil wood for above ground planters 1 poly tunnel water butts tools£4,000
hen house pig ark£950


600 people

Who will benefit

Older people (65 and over)
People with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses (of all kinds)
executives and their employees Adults with Learning difficulties

Expected impact

The project aims to help with people's well-being and social isolation issues We also believe in social prescription whereby the individual with mild depression can get a prescription to spend time in an outdoor environment helping with their wellbeing. Since the pandemic, there has been a large increase in those suffering from well-being issues we believe our CIC farm project will provide outdoor activities to benefit and give a sanctuary for those in need. Older adults 60 -85 plus adults with physical/or learning disabilities working with Ex-service personnel along with executives and their employees who have all been suffering from well-being issues We would also like to introduce a large animal sanctuary for those in need of a loving home The project will have a huge impact on the lives of people living in or around Somerset, and beyond creating an outdoor environment to assist with well-being and social isolation issues.

Track record

This is not a duplicated project this is a quote from another successful CIC from Somerset, Sounds like a really fabulous project and the kind of thing that should attract funding quite easily. The below is a brief part of an email from a gentleman called Henry from a land agent based in Leicestershire, Dear Pierrette Thank you for contacting me and explaining about your exciting project. Wellbeing is such a huge topic and can mean so many things to so many people but I am very aware of how the smallest changes can massively improve people's state of mind and happiness, access to projects like yours is critical and I would be delighted if I could help with your project, it would be great to learn more so that I can direct you accordingly. We are passionate about this project and we are trying to raise the necessary funding required to purchase a small farm in Somerset.

Published by

MerryMoosFarm Project

Social Enterprise