
Community Club

Funding required£4,000
Delivery timeframe4 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

Our club is formed in an area that is within the 10% most deprived areas of Bradford. Children and Young People do not have good, affordable facilities for grassroots football. Adults do not have the funds to be able to go on training programmes to be able to involve themselves in the volunteering within grassroots football.


Our project will address all these needs by continuing to be a cheap, affordable grassroots club that has good facilities that are also open for the wider community to use at an affordable price. Adults wanting to be involved in our club will be able to as we will be able to pay for their training courses among other things. Our goal is to create a community club that is not only for children that are involved in our teams. We want to be open to the community to use the facilities and help support local people in their endeavours.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

Our organisation is ran by a Youth Worker, who has worked in this area for over 4 years. We have links with Youth Work agencies in the area, close links with other community centres and our location is very central and accessible. This club was formed in 2019 with only 14 players creating 1 team, by the end of 2020, our club had grown immensely and we now house over 60 children and young people over 5 teams that play regularly in competitive football matches. Our organisation is set out to be open to the community, to not turn anyone away and always be on hand. Our volunteers have a wide variety of experience from playing football and coaching football to managing a thriving community centre

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Renovate the changing rooms£2,000
Coaching Courses for Adults£1,000
Referee Courses for Ages 14+£500
New equipment£500


100 people

Expected impact

We expect that this project will broaden the amount of people involved in our Club which in turn will be beneficial to the community. We will involve members in ideas for renovations, creating more ownership of our football ground. The renovations should show the community a more inviting area to come play, watch and be involved in football. It will be a warm, welcoming space for everyone involved and the community who want to become more involved. Members of our club will be invited to attend coaching and referee courses to make a bigger impact. By doing this, we would have more Coaches involved that are members of the community which would open up scope to create more age groups for children to play football in the area. This impact will be measurable as we will see the Club grow with more coaches, players and teams.

Published by

Bierley Community AFC

Community Group