
Football Equipment

Funding required£2,000
Delivery timeframe1 month
LocationMarket Bosworth

The Pitch

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

New footballs£1,420
Corner Flags£160
Pop up training goals£145


260 people

Expected impact

For our children who are aged 6 to 18, turning up for training and matches with the right equipment would give them a huge boost. We believe that the 2-3 hours a week they spend training and playing football are vitally important physically and mentally. Currently we don't have enough equipment and what we do have is old and tired, the lift the boys and girls would get from seeing and using brand new balls, bibs and goals can't be underestimated.

Track record

MBSC successfully applied for and received funding from the FA around 6 years ago to help us to build a club house and grow our club. Since then we've grown from 6 teams to 11 teams and have doubled the number of children (and adults) that use the club. The club is now a vital part of the local village community.

Published by

Market Bosworth Sports Club

Community Group