
Children's climate action project


Funding required£3,000
Delivery timeframe6 months

The Pitch

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Project coordinator wages£2,400
Volunteer expenses (DBS certificates, tshirts, travel expenses)£400
Charity overheads (IT, website and digital, marketing, insurance)£200


1,248 people

Who will benefit

Expected impact

For children:- Improved knowledge of climate science (81% of students give our programme 4 or 5 (out of 5) for improving their knowledge of climate change).- Increased engagement with climate action.- Reduced levels of climate anxiety and increase in positive well-being from knowing how they can take practical action on climate change.For schools:- Opportunity for their students to learn from a subject specialist.- Curriculum is broadened and new Ofsted citizenship requirement is addressed.Wider impacts:- With £3000 we can deliver our programme to 12 cohorts of children. If each cohort has c.26 children = 312 direct beneficiaries plus their families = c.1248 total beneficiaries.- 8 new volunteers trained who will be able to continue delivery of the programme after the grant is used, thereby ensuring the work is self-sustaining.- Local area benefits from families adopting greener lifestyle choices.

Track record

We have data to show our programme is effective at engaging students on climate change and inspiring them to take action. 92% of students say the programme improves their knowledge of the climate impact of our travel and food and 61% say they are likely or very likely to help their family reduce their emissions. We have delivered our programme in over 100 schools to over 4000 students, our work has received consistently excellent reviews and we have worked with many local councils including Westminster for whom we provide all their specialist KS2 climate education. Schools say: 'Climate Ed were nothing but fantastic' (Ravenstone Primary) 'I recommend that all students have the chance to participate in this carefully structured and relevant programme' (Furzedown Primary) Students say: 'These workshops convinced me to look after our Earth' 'I would rate it 1,000,000,000 out of five if I could' 'It was the best thing ever.'

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Published by

Climate Ed

Registered charity