
Streatham Vale Community Orchard


Funding required£2,000
Delivery timeframe46 weeks

The Pitch

Problem statement

Streatham Vale Park is located in Lambeth. It is a diverse community, with Lambeths only permanent traveller site next door and 45% of residents from bame communities. We have been working hard to transform the local park, from what was known as a 'no go area' to what is now a vibrant and well used park. Recently we have employed an apprentice Gardner to maintain and improve the park, but we have no budget for tools and plants. We want more people to use the park and have pride in it. We also want to show children how we can grow food and make free fruit available to the community


The goal of the project is to create a park that is beautiful, with fruit, flowers and colour all year round. That we create a place of safety, peace and community where people can come together. That we create a place where people can access free fruit from trees they helped to plant and look after. That we create a park that supports wildlife and the ecosystem. The funding will be spent on trees, plants and tools.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

We manage the park. We employ a full-time apprentice gardener, who will maintain the planting. We deliver other services in the park including a nursery, adventure playground and sports. We are invested in the park and will be there for many years to come

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Seasonal bulbs/flowers/shrubs£500
Tools and equipment£500


250 people

Expected impact

The park will have more trees. The park will have seasonal planting. 25 people will volunteer. 50 children will learn about where fruit comes from.

Project updates (0)

Published by

Streatham Youth and Community Trust

Registered charity