
Growing Together Naturally


Funding required£9,974
Delivery timeframe20 weeks

The Pitch

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Portable power station including accessories and installation£1,795
Public liability insurance for one year£145
Heavy duty raised veg bed @ £474.00 each£1,896
Peat-free organic compost, two 1 tonne bags @ £114.00 each£228
Assorted organic vegetable seeds X 20 packets @ £3.50 each£70
Assorted seed potatoes and onion sets 10kg@ average £16.00 per kg£160
Labour cost to prepare veg bed area, install and fill beds for 16 hours @ £12.50 per hour£200
Labour to supply materials and pave area around veg beds 25m square @ £100 per meter square£1,500
Manage, co-ordinate and deliver workshops for 40 hours @ £40 per hour£1,600
Workshop Assistant/ Cleaner for 40 hours @ £12.00 per hour£480
Refreshments and expenses for 20 attendees @ £95.00 per week£1,900


20 people

Expected impact

Our organisation is working towards making a positive change in the community in terms of better health and wellbeing through organic gardening activities. The expected impact from this project is twofold. First is the positive enhanced mental and physical wellbeing Second is making the derelict site improvements for safety and comfort. Our organisation will connect people from the neighbourhood in an enriching social environment, working together to grow and share. There are currently 5 regular people who come to the site weekly and this project intend to have an impact of 15 more attendees, including refugees and asylum-seekers. The impact for marginalised groups will be interaction with the community, learning about each other's culture, customs, while improving their English language skills. Site improvement will result in an aesthetically pleasant environment, reducing fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour. Attendees will be able to grow and take home what they have grown.

Track record

To date there has been 11 projects with 138 attendees engaging with various gardening activities. We held an Art with Nature project, funded by Ambition for Ageing, October, 2021. Dr. Luciana from University of Manchester conducted a case study for the project, and we were highlighted in the end of project report. One finding was the challenge to engage people over time, hence this application to sustain ongoing growing. For the past two years, we have facilitated Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN), with over 50 youths attending. We are now collaborating with Groundworks organisation to award AQA certificates for specific topics. We were able to offer onsite activities with funding from National Lottery to install a disabled composting toilet, as there was no restroom on site. We are one of 7 hubs in Manchester, for the Nature for Health project; managed by Sow the City and funded by Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This has been a success with attendees improved wellbeing.

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Community Group