All lines below already funded 37% (£15,125) by our supporters via crowdfunding | £0 |
Project Manager (12m @ 3 days pw) 63% | £10,706.85 |
Project Officer (12m @ 2.5 days pw) 63% | £8,922.38 |
Direct management costs (12 months - 0.5 day a month) 63% | £708.37 |
Comms Officer direct time (12 months - 1 day a month) 63% | £1,081.08 |
Graphic designer - Transition Streets Toolkit resources (4 days @£250); 63% | £630 |
Event costs and venue hire 5 @ £180; 63% | £567 |
Travel and expenses - 20 community visits, variable distances, ave. £40; 63% | £504 |
Toolkit resources printing costs; 63% | £869.4 |
Promotion/publicity costs; 63% | £283.5 |
Website upgrades - local projects own sections; 63% | £661.5 |
Carbon calculator, further development; 63% | £818.92 |
1,008 people
In this first rollout stage we expect to support 20+ community groups across the UK, averaging 3 streets/community, 7 households/street group, 2.4 people/household, thereby directly impacting 1008 people (2.4x7x3x20) Participants calculate their carbon footprint before and after the project. We predict annual savings of 0.5 to 1 tonne of CO2 per household. 80%+ of households will report multiple actions to reduce their carbon footprint and bills including energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy measures, sustainable food production/consumption, resource efficiency & water saving measures. We expect 90%+ of participants report an increase in the number of social connections on their street. We anticipate 65%+ of street groups to create collective street projects for social & environmental change including projects to share skills, gardens, meals, tools, lifts, bikes, Play Streets street closures, mutual support groups etc. These will indirectly benefit wider street populations.
In 2010/11, 550 households took part in the project saving £570 off their annual bills and 1.3 tonnes of CO2. This year we have revamped the project and materials and are working with over 100 more households. 15 community groups across the UK have contacted us for our materials and advice. “We stand in awe of your materials and approach, our little Whatsapp working group is buzzing with ideas after our meeting today.” Sara, Chair Transition Bath & Climate Officer Wiltshire County Council. We have collected many stories of participants feeling less isolated and more socially connected, “One woman in our group has lived on the street for 10 years but didn’t really know anyone all that time. Since joining Transition Streets our group of neighbours is meeting for walks, going to the pub, sharing deliveries and swapping things” Heather. We estimate the project costs ~£100 per household. This compares to Energy Saving Trust estimate of £250 for one home energy advice visit.