We have noticed an increase in the need for food parcels over the past year as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. This has meant more food has being going out to those in need and less donations have come in (due to people’s jobs becoming less secure and receiving less money). Our overall aim is to provide emergency food parcels for those in a financial crisis and we have managed to do this throughout this difficult period and saw record numbers in December alone as we provided over 5000 meals. In order to keep helping others we are in need of additional funds to pay rent, van insurance and restock shelves.
Earlier this year we were kindly given a space at Kettering Self store which can be utilised for products which we use regularly and consequently run out of quickly. This money will go towards buying more food items in particular tinned meat as this is often a more expensive item to purchase and the amount donated reflects that. Tinned meat is an essential as for families in particular it is important that they get substantial and nutritious meals. As well as using the money on food we will put it towards the rent of the property (£550 a month), the insurance and running costs of the van (which is a necessity as some people can’t get to us) and refuge collection.
Kettering Foodbank has been open for 10 years however it’s prominence in the area has grown massively over the past 3 years. Since moving premise in August 2020 it has been a challenge to keep up with the demand with lots of people being furloughed and losing their jobs. Despite this with the help from our team of volunteers we have managed to help everyone who has contacted us. We have set volunteers who complete the telephone assessments and ensure that people are aware of follow up help such as Accommodation concern budgeting section. Our volunteers age from 17-81 therefore we have both experience and technological skills accessible to us allowing us to be successful.
Purchasing food products | £1,500 |
Rent of premises | £1,000 |
1,800 people
This project will mean that all of our parcels can contain the full list of items ranging from meat to veg and rice pudding to fruit. It will allow for more people to be helped and potentially an increase in the food parcel itself. Alongside food there are people in desperate need of baby products such as nappies and wipes as well as dog/cat food. With this money we would be able to support every struggling mother at what is supposed to be an amazing moment in her life. Kitchen goods and toiletries are also needed for individuals and families particularly at this moment in time where cleanliness could prevent viruses spreading therefore having enough items to give out would be extremely helpful. After receiving this money we would like to assist 300 people each month and give families a bag of toiletries and kitchen goods each time instead of providing limited stock.