
North Edinburgh Arts Community Shed

Funding required£3,000
Delivery timeframe6 months

The Pitch

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

one day per week staffing for community shed for 6 months£2,442.5
materials and tools£557.5


150 people

Expected impact

Prior to lockdown the Shed carried out a survey of its membership recently and 100% of respondents stated that they belong to and attend the Shed because it had had a significant impact on their lives, in terms of improving self-confidence, giving them meaning and purpose, making new friends, learning new skills and enhancing their sense of belonging to their community. Here are some of their quotes: "The Shed is brilliant, it is the best day of the week, it makes me feel useful”. (Eddie - Shed member) “It has helped me tremendously with the amount of friends I have made. I have helped lots of other people too – it helps us all – when I started I was not in a good place. It has really built my confidence up a lot”. (Danny - Shed Member). “The Shed has helped get my mind to work – I am now doing things I wanted to do – things I didn’t have the courage to do before but now I do have the courage. You get a lot of help but you also get encouraged to do stuff.' (Fran- Shed Member

Track record

The North Edinburgh Community Shed has over 150 community members all who have used the Shed to make or mend things for their homes, gardens or the community. The Shed is open to anyone over the age of 16 years and we welcome people of all abilities including people living with physical and learning disabilities. We have opened up the Shed to various community groups to enable people who do not utilise the Shed on drop-in days to access our services. These groups include Living Well, a local project supporting people with mental health issues, Drylaw Community Project, a local project supporting people with profound physical and learning disabilities, Nari Kallyan Shango, a project supporting South Asian Women, and Dadtastic, a group supporting local fathers, etc.

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Published by

North Edinburgh Arts

Registered charity