Adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) and/or Autism struggle to participate in mainstream sport. Pre-COVID we used to run football sessions at Queens Park Rangers, each session was attended by over 20 adults with LD/Autism. Participants have asked us to resume these weekly sessions, and in order to feel part of a team they have requested "football t-shirts, so we can feel like a real team." ⅔ of adults with LD do not participate in sport, yet many face health and mental health issues, which sport could alleviate, including improved heart-health, weight-loss and feeling happier about themselves. Our sports activities overcome personal, social or environmental barriers to participation.
Weekly football sessions at the grounds of a local (celebrity) team - to engage adults with LD in healthy exercise, boost morale and improve physical fitness AND mental health. We will invest in the kit needed for the participants to play football, including team T-shirts, shin-pads, balls and goalie gloves. We will also need to contribute to the hire of the club and pay for a coach. Participants have also asked us to resume the Community Football day that used to happen pre-COVID, and we will aim to do this with this funding. Impact on participant physical health, mental health, improving communication skills, team-building, reducing isolation, making friendships.
PiP have been supporting adults with LD for 40 years. As a person-led organisation, we always listen to what our participants want and try to make this happen for them. PiP's Development Workers bring experience in delivering engaging sporting activities and their experience in supporting adults with LD, AND getting the best outcomes from all participants. It is important to PiP and to participants that they get to access the local community, and that includes local facilities and activities. We are forever breaking down barriers to ensuring adults with LD are visible in their local community and have access to the same opportunities as everyone else does.
Footballs x 20 | £200 |
Shin-pads x 20 sets | £140 |
Goalie Gloves x 20 (They will all want them!) | £200 |
PiP Team T shirts | £300 |
Community Football Day | £560 |
Venue HIre | £450 |
Coaching/Development | £1,150 |
20 people
Improved health heart (70%) measured by monitors Improved physical fitness, including weight loss (70%) Improved mental health (70% state they feel happy from participating in sport) Reduced isolation (70% state they feel less lonely) Friendships developing Improved communication skills
PiP have been established for 40 years & we have delivered personalised enrichment/development opportunities for many adults with LD. We measure participant's progress towards their goals through a bespoke monitoring tool, which enables adults with LD to provide detailed feedback. Collective impacts include increases *4.9% in students’ independent living skills, *5.3% in academic studies (literacy, numeracy), *10.2% in both Health/Wellbeing and Media, *20.3% in students achieving employment/vocational training goals. But we also capture individual student successes: *Shona, 24, began to speak in public forums to raise awareness of LD amongst young adults. *Duaa, 32, started blogging & now wishes to be a journalist. *George, 35, secured a one-day/week paid job at partner charity, Unity Works, & moved into supported living. *Tom, 33, completed PiP gardening project &hopes to get paid work as a gardening assistant *Lydia, 24, presents her creative writings on Soho Radio