
Roller covers to improve facilities and ability to play more cricket


Funding required£2,500
Delivery timeframe3 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

Currently the club uses a large tarpaulin to cover the wicket in adverse weather which is both now aged & cumbersome to use. Another issue we have with the use of this is that a group of people are needed to put on and remove the cover dependant on the weather and sometimes this is not possible resulting in the wicket being uncovered and affected by the weather. This has led to situations where we have had to cancel matches due to the weather taking hold letting down both the team and oppositions.


The goal of this project is to raise money to purchase roller covers that can both be moved a lot easier by just one person and due to their ground coverage can be left on the wicket for extended periods of time without having to be moved on and off in the weather is intermittent. The groundsman for the club is a player who does all of the wicket and ground preparation unpaid and voluntarily, if we were able to get the money to support the purchase of the roller covers this would make his job a lot easier and in turn lead to less work required. The covers in turn will lead to less matches having to be cancelled and more cricket being played at the club and within the village community.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

The total cost of the roller covers would be around the £5,000 mark, as a team we have been fundraising for a while now and are close to raising the other £2,500 towards the total cost of the cover. As a club we are always looking to make improvements to the facilities we have and offer so that as much cricket can be played as possible and the junior section of the club has the best opportunities available to them. We have a dedicated committee at the club that has played there for many years and have identified the roller covers would be the next best improvement to the clubs facilities for now and also for the future generations. The picture below is our current situation & resolution.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

1/2 of total cost towards the roller covers`£2,500


30 people

Expected impact

If the grant is approved the project gives us the 2nd half of the total funds towards the overall cost of the new roller covers that have been identified. Through the purchase of the new roller covers the club will be able to offer more cricket to its players and junior section throughout the year and not have to cancel as many matches due to adverse weather. The roller covers will benefit both in the short-term and long-term as they are a long term investment and improved facilities will benefit generations to come through the club and hopefully attract more members/players to the club too.

Track record

We have not run a project in this way previously so are unable to compare this, we have run small fundraising events previously in the club via such things as casino nights and other events to assist with maintenance and improvements on a smaller scale.

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Published by

Studham Cricket Club

Community Group