
Transform Elworth Cricket Club


Funding required£3,000
Delivery timeframe3 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

Currently we provide first class facilities for outdoor recreation but these are not matched by those of the building amenity. By refurbishing the amenities, in particular the toilets, kitchen and clubroom we will address the demands from existing (300) and potential users (1,250 new homes locally) to make improvements. The project will be a step towards transforming the club. Our vision is to extend the clubroom. We are seeking to provide a facility that connects people and reaches the standard required for community users (over 50 different groups in the last 18 months). Together with our sports facilities this will contribute to improving physical and/or mental wellbeing in our community.


Elworth Cricket Club aims to refurbish our existing amenity. The project represents part of our ambition to extend and transform the amenities of the clubroom. The refurbishment will replace old and outdated sanitary-ware and furniture with new items. A refreshed and functional kitchen space. New floor-coverings in all areas will improve the look and make cleaning and maintenance easier. This will create a more attractive space for existing and potential users. We want to realise the full potential the club has to support the increased local housing base, and for community groups to use the facilities. We believe this will extend awareness and drive further participation in our sport.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

We have previous experience of successful development projects, having extended the playing and practice facilities in 2017. The club is well run by volunteer members who support the administration and day to day maintenance of the ground and club facilities. The club makes excellent use of its network of members for expertise in the areas of business management, legal advice and trades. We anticipate promoting our project in local schools, community groups and businesses using social media and leaflet campaigns in order to generate the financial support to complete the project and the additional community use to sustain it when completed.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Painting and decorating materials£1,080
Plastering materials£1,920


350 people

Expected impact

We want to realise the full potential the club has to support the increased local housing base by creating a more attractive and comfortable space for existing and potential users. We will promote the project in local schools and community groups, on social media and via leaflet campaigns. We expect this will generate additional community use (currently 20 regular user groups, including U3A Poetry, U3A Reading, U3A Dementia Friendly groups, Ladies circle, Daisy Baby Foundation and weekly bingo). It is also anticipated that better facilities will lead to more support for our social activities and increased cricket participation (currently 40 adult and 100 junior participants and 100 non-playing social members). We especially want to encourage more women and girls to the sport (currently 20 participants) and improving the facilities is key to this target.

Track record

In 2013 we raised funds with support from Sandbach Town Council to purchase the cricket ground. In 2015 we made a purchase of neighbouring land from Cheshire East Council, which with our own fundraising and grant aid from Sport England was developed for junior cricket pitches. In 2017 we again contributed from our own fundraising and together with grant aid support from Sport England we were able to install new 3-bay cricket practice nets.

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Published by

Elworth Cricket Club

Community Group