
Croydon & Catford Community Thaiboxing


Funding required£3,000
Delivery timeframe3 months

The Pitch

Problem statement

The United Kingdom has a clear problem when it comes to people from low income areas leading to high offence/ prison sentences , high crime , low employment ,violence and poor mental health. Our charity makes a big difference to peoples lives providing an extended family, fitness, new employment opportunities, mental toughness and a fighting spirit. Our community centre has become a second home, a hub and a sanctuary to many. We hope to do the same with our new community centre in Catford. In view of recent increase in youth crime and attacks in Croydon & Lewisham borough we are looking to reach out to young men aged 18-25yrs with free Thai boxing sessions three times a week.


The goal will be to offer free Thai boxing sessions to disadvantaged young men three times a week to 18- 25yr olds in the Croydon and Catford area. Funding will be spent on promotion / advert , pay for Thai boxing instructor's running sessions and equipment.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

Since 2009 we have been reaching out to the local community through a number of projects which have all been successful. Our community centre has become a second home, a hub and a sanctuary to many. Many of our volunteers have come from disadvantaged backgrounds and can relate to the struggle and challenges that young people face. Majority of our volunteer instructors started out participating in our various projects over the years staying on to eventually become active members of our community centre.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Promotion / Advert Cost£500
Cost for Instructors covering sessions @£40 per session three times a week = £120 x 4 weeks = £480 x 3 months = £1440£1,440
Purchase of equipment to support project - Gloves, Shin Pads & Thai Boxing Pads,£800
Volunteer Administrator to monitor project£260


25 people

Expected impact

We will work with at least 25 young people from the community who would not normally have access and funding to attend thai boxing sessions in normal commercial gyms. The project will actively engage young men giving them a new focus and discipline to help steer them away from crime or the influence in engaging in non productive activities.

Track record

Since 2009 we have been running a number of projects for all ages in the community. All our projects have been successful to date. We recently completed a project named " Changing Lives through Muay Thai " funded by National Lottery. Our aim was to engage with around 20- 30 young people however project exceeded our target and expectation with over 50 young people attending . The project also led on to reaching out to mothers who were bringing in their children and waiting at community centre. Project was a success with many of the mothers still participating in sessions to date. My Children have been coming to the kids community Muay Thai classes a few weeks now and they absolutely love it. The coaches are super friendly, take time to teach and make allowance for children's different learning styles and abilities. This place is a real asset to the community and my kids can't wait to come back each week. Thanks all. - " Vanessa Rowe " (Parent )

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Published by

Thai Boxing Community Centre

Registered charity