
Scilly Vols


Funding required£2,000
Delivery timeframe3 months
LocationSt Mary's

The Pitch

Problem statement

IoSWT is responsible for half the land in the Isles of Scilly. We need more help in getting this land in good condition for wildlife and public access for all. We want to do more with our community. A 2019 Leeds Beckett University study (Bagnall et al) showed significantly enhanced feelings of positivity & general health from outdoor volunteering with the Wildlife Trusts (a Social Return on Investment of £8.50 for every £1 invested). This community-based approach to health and wellbeing reduces the burden on the NHS. We can provide local people with opportunities for sociable, satisfying and important voluntary work, meeting our goals whilst further embedding the organisation in the islands.


Our goal is to set up a regular volunteer group to work alongside our rangers on various land-management tasks across the islands. Projects would include the creation of a wildlife garden by our offices, access work at Higher and Lower Moors nature reserves, bracken-bashing and gorse management to keep coastal heathland beautiful and wildlife-rich, along with marine litter picks, including on uninhabited islands. We are seeking funding for tools & materials (£12000) and boat trips (£800). The project will benefit wildlife, improve public access for local people and visitors, and promote good physical and mental well-being for our volunteers.

Why are we best placed to deliver?

We have over 35 years of experience as the only charity managing land in Scilly. Our tenancy of around 2000 acres includes almost all of the uninhabited isle plus large areas on 4 of the main islands. Our ranger team combine a wide range of practical land-management knowledge with a great passion for this work. All of them started as volunteers. They understand the range of abilities that can be expected from participants and can communicate expectations and instructions needed to undertake the tasks, knowing what activities can hold a group's attention. We support a voluntary Community Archaeology Group initiative and are ready to invest in developing a new land-management volunteer group.

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

Tools, equipment and materials for volunteer tasks£1,200
Charter boat costs to reach uninhabited islands needing management£800


25 people

Expected impact

We expect to offer a brilliant experience to between 20 and 30 participants over the first 3 months. With this initial start-up support, we will enable to keep this project going, and we hope to reach more people in our first year, and continue this work on a permanent basis by mainstreaming this activity as part of our new model of delivery. The volunteers involved will enjoy making a difference, make new friends, learn lots about their local area and get physical and health benefits. In addition, we know that the work will improve local engagement with the natural environment of the Isles of Scilly, with this happening in two ways. First, the volunteers themselves will feel increased 'ownership' and want to show the areas they've worked on to their friends and family. Second, improved path condition will enable more local people to comfortably enjoy the extensive areas of wildlife-rich land IoSWT's care, with this heritage also being central to the tourism economy of the islands.

Track record

The IoSWT started in 1985, and has been working tirelessly for the islands ever since. At present, the Trust has reduced volunteering, in part due to the pandemic. However, the trust still runs a successful Community Archaeology Group, undertaking practical management around the ancient sites around the Trust's tenancy. Feedback from members of this group is excellent. However, we know we can do more, as has been achieved by staff working with volunteers for the benefit of people and wildlife in the past. We can return to this way of working with the support we are seeking, and we know we have the enthusiasm and expertise to do this well, given the people skills of our staff and their own experiences in starting their working lives as volunteers. Our staff are itching to get this backing to kick-start the new volunteering group, which will focus on wildlife habitat and access management for the benefit of wildlife and people.

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Published by

Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust

Registered charity