Mavericks Netball Club are open to any woman who wishes to join and there is no required level of skill or experience. Many of the new members have not played netball since school, in some cases that is over 20 years ago! Without an injection of funding, the club will be unable to purchase basic match kit and much needed new equipment. We are a sociable team and are fantastic at welcoming new players and coaching them, many of whom stay with the club for years to come. Many who play in the team work full time and have families, and find that netball is the only thing they do for themselves, which benefits their physical and mental heath. We want to make the training as accessible as possible
Following COVID, we no longer have the equipment to support training, drills and matches. If we receive help to reduce weekly costs for players for a short period of time, this will enable accessibility by subsidising costs for those who are struggling, and help the local community improve their mental and physical wellbeing, as well as enjoying the sociable benefits of playing a team sport. We want be an inclusive club, accessible for all! A new match kit and ball will ensure that all players in the team will look the part, boosting confidence and team spirit. The appropriate kit also makes playing matches easier. We would also like to fund basic training equipment and umpire qualifications
The team committee members have decades of experience in coaching and playing netball, and their main passion and drive is to pass this onto both the younger generation, and those who would like to get back into netball. The club is run professionally, with a number of ex-county players, even boasting Helen Housby's mum as the team captain! We care about mental wellbeing and fitness and feel privileged to help others. We are 100% committed in trying to support everybody who wants to join our club. We would also love to have a match kit, so anyone who plays will feel and look part of the team- we are currently the only senior team who do not have a match kit in the Carlisle netball league.
Netball Match Dresses x 14 | £700 |
Venue hire for 3 months, to allow a period of reduced costs, to enable all to access sport - £33.20 per week x 12 weeks | £398 |
Training netballs x 10 | £150 |
Match Netball | £30 |
Umpire C Award - there are no longer any trained umpires left and we can't play matches without have at least qualified umpire: £45 for C Award Course x 2 | £90 |
Gilbert Squeezy Whistle for training sessions | £12 |
Gilbert Stirrup Netball Pump | £15 |
Hoodies with logo x 14 | £420 |
30 people
Every person who attends the club will see a benefit from the funding. This will be directly received through training or matches, and will be much appreciated by all. Our club is the only club which does not currently have a kit or match ball, and a team kit will bring the team closer together, boost morale and give players a real sense of belonging. It will also help the team to 'look the part' when playing in the local league. With the reduced weekly fees, we aim to welcome back a number of players who have struggled in recent times. Since the cost of living crisis, attendance at sessions has in many weeks halved (in some case, we have seen as little as 9 or players, when previously we consistently had 20-30). We hope that subsidising the cost, our numbers will increase and participation will become more inclusive and accessible. Our club Welfare Officer will utilise the funding for venue hire costs to provide long term reduction of training costs for those who are in need of it.