1625 works with young people who are homeless, leaving care or at risk of homelessness in the Southwest. Most of our young people arrive in our services isolated, lonely and low on self-confidence due to complex, interconnected economic, social and personal challenges including poverty, childhood trauma and family breakdown. Without positive opportunities, role-models and social connections young people experience poor mental health, struggle to establish structure and routine and remain socially isolated, all of which negatively impacts their chances of moving away from the crisis of homelessness and towards increased stability and independence.
Our Engagement Programme creates opportunities for young people to stay active, develop skills and reduce loneliness through a wide range of activities including cookery courses, football and music sessions and our youth-led social group, Project Grapevine. Funding will support the delivery of these activities. During sessions, young people can try things out, take risks and get to know their strengths in a safe environment where they can build positive relationships with peers and adults. As a result, young people will see significant improvements in their communication skills, teamwork, resilience and wellbeing – all of which are crucial in their journey towards independence.
1625 has provided safe, stable housing and support to vulnerable young people for 40 years. Each year we work with over 1,600 young people, helping them build healthy relationships, develop independent living skills and access jobs and training. To ensure we meet young people’s needs effectively, our work is trauma-informed, strengths-based and always co-designed with the young people we support. Our Engagement team work in a holistic way, helping young people to access specialist EET Coaches, educational courses and volunteering opportunities through our Independent People Ambassador’s group, all of which helps young people build the skills and confidence they need to live independently.
Staff time to deliver 2 x Cookery Courses of 6 sessions each, reaching 6 young people - calculated at £14.50 per hour | £348 |
Ingredients for Cookery Courses | £200 |
AQA Registration for 6 young people at £22 each | £132 |
Staff time to deliver 10 x 2 hour weekly football sessions for 8 young people at a time - calculated at £14.50 per hour | £290 |
Pitch hire for football sessions at £90 per 2 hour session | £490 |
Staff time to deliver 10 x weekly 3 hour music sessions for 5 young people - calculated at £14.50 per hour | £435 |
Studio hire for music sessions at £20 per hour | £600 |
Staff time to deliver 10 weekly two-hour Project Grapevine social group sessions reaching 10 young people - calculated at £14.50 per hour | £290 |
Refreshments for young people attending Project Grapevine sessions calculated at £5 per week | £50 |
Budget for Project Grapevine's young people access social activities including cinema, bowling and trips | £150 |
30 people
Our Engagement Programme supports young people to form positive, trusting relationships with peers and adults and improve their mental and physical wellbeing through exercise, creativity and learning. The young people engaged through this funding will show positive progress in these critical areas and go on to engage with more specialist services within 1625 depending on their particular needs and ambitions around employment, education, training, skills and wellbeing. To measure our impact on young people over time we use a robust framework which takes a holistic view of their progress towards independence. Our staff co-produce development plans with young people which detail personalised goals and agreed actions and track their progress through regular reviews. We use several tools to collect quantitative and qualitative feedback, including Outcomes Stars, surveys, observational notes made by our staff and case studies capturing young people’s unique voices and stories.
Founded in 1983, our charity has delivered accommodation and support services to vulnerable young people for over 40 years. We now work with over 1,600 young people every year in Bristol and the wider south-west. In the last year, 76% of young people in our services improved their health and wellbeing and 70% built, developed or improved their relationships with friends, family and support workers. As always, our young people's voices say it best: "With 1625 I just feel like I belong somewhere, and I’ve got support from people who really want to help me. Their groups and activities take me away from the horrible stuff for a bit and they let me be me" (Ashton) "If I didn't have access to this music studio time I don't know where I'd be. It's one of the only positive things I have going for me, and I look forward to it whenever I get word I've got another session coming up” (J)