
Neurological wellbeing and physical recovery

Funding required£3,000
Delivery timeframe12 months

The Pitch

Focus Areas

Delivery plan

Budget breakdown

4 blocks of 12 week physiotherapy programme£3,000


24 people

Who will benefit

People who are economically (and/or educationally) disadvantaged
People with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses (of all kinds)
Women and/or girls
Men and/or boys

Expected impact

As per the NICE guidelines (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) for various neurological conditions, Physiotherapy is highlighted as an important part of rehabilitation and for management of symptoms. This includes but is not limited to the following conditions; Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Parkinsons, Stroke and Cerebral Palsy. The classes are led by Physiotherapists and are focused on maintaining and improving the various aspects: - ROM (Range of Movement) - Balance and mobility - Strength Using specialised equipment to promote weightbearing can help to: - Regulate blood pressure - Increase bone density (important for preventing Osteoporosis) - Promote digestion - Maintain and increase ROM (to prevent contractures) - Increase alertness There are also various health and wellbeing benefits from the social aspects of attending classes

Track record

As explained in the video in a bit more detail, we have trialled a 12 week programme of specialised physiotherapy for our members which has achieved great results. Of participants, 43% rated the classes impact as "excellent" with the remaining 57% scoring "very good". In particular, one of the participants who has Huntingtons and a full time wheel chair user was able to progress in a standing aid from 5 minutes struggling to 15 minutes comfortably. Standing reduces pressure on internal organs and lung volume improves. Ÿ With an increased lung volume, blood oxygenation improves. Ÿ The overall breathing will be easier. Ÿ By standing, individuals can prevent fatigue, headache, chest infections, and high blood pressure.

Published by

Paul's Place

Registered charity