Keep Rolling Project

Who we are


We are the KEEP ROLLING PROJECT and we create workshops that unite, inspire and get young people active. During a sessions, young people learn a mix of skills, from skateboarding, which teaches them how to be more resilient, to art and photography based workshops that explore topics of gender equality and positive mental well-being. As with all our projects, we aim to create a safe and diverse space where young people can grow, whilst learning about leadership and teamwork. We acknowledge a gender gap within skateboarding and run female only classes in an attempt to get more girls on boards. Our workshops are adapted to focus on smaller group sizes where we can pass on more knowledge, and young people have more time to express themselves and be the best that they can be. We hope to reach young people that don’t usually have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, which is why all our workshops are free and have an easy sign up process for parents/guardians.

Organisation type

Registered charity

Setup year


Focus areas

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