Shakti Women in the Community

Who we are


Shakti Women in the Community was created to empower women by building their skills and confidence. Our services include work confidence workshops, confidence building and assertiveness training workshops, money wise workshops, creative writing workshops, and a plethora of wellbeing activities such as dance, yoga, counselling/psychotherapy and weekly canal walks. We were created out of a recognition that women (much more so than men) face internal and external barriers alongside the pressures of juggling work, family and caring for others such as: • Everyday Sexism • Misogyny • Unequal Treatment • Unequal Opportunities • Lack of Confidence • Violence • Suppression We target BAME women, as these women offer suffer additional deprivations, such as financial hardships, racism and islamophobia. We believe that women can be a driving force in shaping a better world. That’s why our services are bent on breaking down barriers, creating opportunities and giving voice to women.

Organisation type

Community Group or other Informal Group

Setup year


Focus areas

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