
Brent Cross Town Community Fund 2024

Total fund amount:£50,000
Individual grants of up to:£10,000
Individual grants of at least:£3,000

Fund details & criteria

Fund purpose

Brent Cross Town, the 180-acre new town centre project north of Cricklewood being delivered through a joint venture between Related Argent and Barnet Council, is happy to be launching its Brent Cross Town Community Fund for 2024, in its sixth consecutive year. Applications are invited from projects and organisations who have until 24th October to apply. Grantees from previous years are welcome to submit new applications for this year’s fund. Brent Cross Town has made available a total of £50,000, with individual grant amounts ranging from £3,000 to £10,000. For the first time, once the judging panel’s shortlist has been announced in November, the local community will be invited to vote in support of their favourite initiatives, which will determine the final allocation of funding. The fund will focus on employment, skills, education and training, reflecting the important role that these play in the development as it becomes a new town centre with an aspiration for its communities to flourish. This year the fund, in partnership with Barnet Council, is open to organisations and projects across the wider Barnet local authority area. —-------------------------------------------- Applying for funding on ActionFunder is a bit different. Here’s the process: sign up, register your organisation and post a project you want funding for. Your project will automatically match with any funds you meet the criteria for (grant amount, location, focus area). If you want to apply for this fund, make sure your project meets the criteria. Your project will remain live on the platform (ready to match with new funds) until you successfully win funding. ActionFunder’s all about saving you time so that you can get on with what matters: community action.

Required application format

Video pitches
Written pitches

Who can apply?

Community Group or other Informal Group
Registered charity
Social Enterprise or Community Business



Asylum seekers & refugees
People experiencing discrimination
People affected by homelessness
LGBTQIA+ people
Older people
Young people
Economically disadvantaged people
Disabled people
Women and/or girls
Men and/or boys

Focus areas

Funded projects to be delivered by


Selection deadline


Funded by

Brent Cross Town


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