In delivery

Eastern City BID Community Fund 2024

Total fund amount:£40,200
Individual grants of up to:£5,000

Fund details & criteria

Fund purpose

EC BID, the Business Improvement District for the Eastern City, is proud to announce we are launching a grant fund of £40,000 for community organisations in our local area. We are looking to support initiatives that allow the local area to flourish and nurture a greater social purpose. This reflects our priorities to make the Eastern City area evolving and diverse, sustainable, and a place for collective action and community empowerment. Apply today for up to £5,000 for your organisation. The EC BID – a Business Improvement District working to promote and enhance a unique part of the City of London known as the Eastern City. The area is a globally recognised economic district complemented by a rich historic and cultural heritage – it’s a place 2,000 years in the making, where London originated and over the years has continually evolved to become a prestigious commercial location. As the Eastern City Cluster continues to evolve, there is an increased demand to respond to its continued growth, to ensure that this important part of the City remains an exemplar amongst rising London districts. The EC BID has emerged with a strong ambition to support this growth through driving forward opportunities to develop this part of the City into an agile, dynamic and vibrant destination. Through collaborative working with our partners at the City Corporation, TfL, the GLA and our leading and innovative business community we work to deliver a range of programmes and transformative interventions. EC BID represent a community of over 200 very large organisations in the City, our funding essentially comes from them and we’re facilitating their corporate social responsibility work. We want to connect these organisations with local charities through our grants programme (there’s an incentive for charities to apply as it could help them develop long-term, independent relationships with our members). ---- Applying for funding on ActionFunder is a bit different. Here’s the process: sign up, register your organisation and post a project you want funding for. Your project will automatically match with any funds you meet the criteria for (grant amount, location, focus area). If you want to apply for this fund, make sure your project meets the criteria. Your project will remain live on the platform until you successfully win funding. ActionFunder’s all about saving you time so that you can get on with what matters: community action.

Required application format

Video pitches
Written pitches

Who can apply?

Community Group or other Informal Group
Registered charity
Social Enterprise or Community Business




Asylum seekers & refugees
People experiencing discrimination
People affected by homelessness
LGBTQIA+ people
Older people
Young people
Economically disadvantaged people
Disabled people
Women and/or girls
Men and/or boys

Focus areas

Funded projects to be delivered by

Funded by



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