London HQ comprises four of Westminster’s Business Improvement Districts: Victoria, Victoria Westminster, Whitehall and Northbank. The area stretches from Belgravia to the Royal Courts of Justice and includes major London landmarks Buckingham Palace, Parliament Square, Downing Street and Trafalgar Square. Encompassing the majority of the historic processional route through Central London and major transport hubs, the area is also home to a large number of corporate occupiers, office workers and Government Departments. Delivering value through partnership is at the heart of our offer, with the BIDs working hand in hand with Westminster Council and other partners to support business growth, enhance the environment and lobby on behalf of our diverse business communities. Every year, London Heritage Quarter like to support new charities with projects that are already running or projects that need the funding to start. It's important for us to reach as many charities and people as possible and this year we are running a fund for projects that are in need of funding over the winter months. ------ Applying for funding on ActionFunder is a bit different. Here’s the process: sign up, register your organisation and post a project you want funding for. Your project will automatically match with any funds you meet the criteria for (grant amount, location, focus area). If you want to apply for this fund, make sure your project meets the criteria. Your project will remain live on the platform (ready to match with new funds) until you successfully win funding. ActionFunder’s all about saving you time so that you can get on with what matters: community action.