
Proud To Pitch In Anniversary Fund

Total fund amount:£10,000
Individual grants of up to:£10,000

Fund details & criteria

Fund purpose

To celebrate the one year anniversary of Proud To Pitch In, Greene King are offering one grassroots sports club the chance of receiving a £10,000 grant. The fund aims to support sports focused projects that positively impact their club and/or the local community in the long term. Projects need to clearly demonstrate the long term impact of the project on the club, its players and the local community. To be eligible for funding, projects must be located in the United Kingdom and project beneficiaries must be aged 18 or over. If your club has already registered on ActionFunder and submitted a project, you can add another project for the £10,000 fund. Clubs that have already won funding from Greene King and ones that haven’t yet been successful are all encouraged to apply. ------ Applying for funding on ActionFunder is a bit different. Here’s the process: sign up, register your organisation and post a project you want funding for. Your project will automatically match with any funds you meet the criteria for. If you want to apply for this fund, make sure your project has the right criteria: tick the ‘Physical health and sport’ focus area and set your funding request to £10,000 (projects requesting less than £10,000 will be automatically submitted but will not be considered). Your project will remain live on the platform (ready to match with new funds) until you successfully win funding. ActionFunder’s all about saving you time so that you can get on with what matters: community action.

Required application format

Video pitches
Written pitches

Who can apply?

Community Group or other Informal Group
Registered charity
Social Enterprise or Community Business


UK wide


Asylum seekers & refugees
People experiencing discrimination
People affected by homelessness
LGBTQIA+ people
Older people
Young people
Economically disadvantaged people
Disabled people
Women and/or girls
Men and/or boys

Focus areas

Funded projects to be delivered by

Funded by

Greene King


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